No one can tell me that I'm politically biased, well not that biased, because I regularly pay attention to current events, in and outside the United States, and to the discussion of political commentators from all sides of the aisle in an effort to be "fair and balanced"
This is why on Thursday, April 2, 2009 had you come over to my house, you would have found me watching a show whose host is neither fair nor balanced, and whose opinions lean in a McCarthy-est fashion toward the right, Mr. Sean Hannity of Fox News.
Mr. Hannity had on three guests. The first was Patricia Murphy from Citizen Jane who barely uttered a word, seeming daunted by the circus atmosphere and the breath that is wasted by anyone who acts to oppose Hannity on anything. The second was the Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, President/Founder of Bond, which is apparently some sort of loonybin, if I can judge by the founder's statements during the show (see transcripts below). I am not a therapist, but I am undoubtedly sure that the Reverend Jesse is not just a hate monger, but has a few screws lose and may need a week or two in a padded room and some pills to calm him down. And ironically, Hannity is on the board of Bond which he proudly announced to his viewers, which seems to be just a tad hypocritical since the Reverend Jesse Lee is as anti-harmony as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, if not more, and I could swear that Hannity had some problems with Obama's Ties to the Reverend Wright. And if I were Hannity I would not associate with this man, and I would strongly consider denouncing him because this association is clearly destabilizing his credibility (at least with me). Speaking of credibility, Hannity's third guest managed to do what very few guests have done before and put Hannity on the defensive. Internally, he might have even acknowledged that she had a point. Her comments were also practical and intelligent. So kudos to Layla Kayleigh of World Poker Tour and Dancing with the Stars fame for putting Hannity in his place, and doing it without name calling, and with a smile on her face the entire time.
Here are the transcripts to the show courtesy of:
Copyright 2009 Fox News Network, LLC. |
April 2, 2009 Thursday |
Is Obama Administration Pushing Towards Socialism? |
Jesse Lee Peterson, Patricia Murphy, Layla Kayleigh |
HANNITY: And tonight on the "Great American Panel" he is the founder and the president of BOND, Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny, of which I'm a proud board member. The Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson is here.She is the founder of Citizen Jane Politics, and a Washington columnist for the soon-to-launch Web site, Politics Daily. Patricia Murphy is with us.And she is the co-host of MTV's show, America's Best Dance Crew, and the host of the world poker tour. Layla Kayleigh is on board.Good to see you. Do you gamble? LAYLA KAYLEIGH, CO-HOST, MTV'S "AMERICA'S BETS DANCE CREW": A little bit from time to time. HANNITY: A little bit. And you win? KAYLEIGH: Sometimes. HANNITY: So let's talk economics. I don't like the road to socialism. I don't think it's good for our kids and grandkids -- why are you giving me that look? KAYLEIGH: I don't know -- you guys throw this word around, socialism. Define socialism. HANNITY: Government running of the economy. And if you want the official definition, government running of the economy. For example, like GM, or companies, the nationalizing of companies. That is the Webster's dictionary definition.But when we're going to accumulate $1 trillion plus of debt every year for ten years... KAYLEIGH: Yes. HANNITY: ... we're spending too much money. KAYLEIGH: May I ask you a question? HANNITY: It's your show. I'm just... KAYLEIGH: Obama's been president for how many months? HANNITY: A short time. KAYLEIGH: A short time. When did this mess occur exactly? HANNITY: If you're asking me if he inherited a recession, the answer is yes. But he was the one that increased spending with the omnibus bill 8 percent, and he's the one that said he wasn't going to have earmarks, then gave us 9,000 of them. KAYLEIGH: No, no... HANNITY: He's this one that is proposing a $4 trillion debt -- debt with a $634 billion down payment on nationalized health care. And Jesse, I don't think we can sustain it. REV. JESSE LEE PETERSON, PRESIDENT/FOUNDER, BOND: And he's still talking about spending money. Today he held a press conference in London, and he was talking about the amount of money he's going to spend on Africa and other countries, and I'm thinking where's he getting this money from if we're so broke?I realize that Obama's going to go down as the greatest of great deceivers. He's a very dishonest man. He held a press conference today, and he did not defend this country. We were accused, according to the report, by the other so-called leaders, of causing this economic crisis.And Obama said, "Oh, we have to humble ourselves in America. Yes, you're right, it's because of Wall Street," but he left out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and all those others. KAYLEIGH: Well, I think what he said was fine. PETERSON: So yes, he's spending money and spending money, and I'm wondering where is all this money coming from? PATRICIA MURPHY, CITIZEN JANE POLITICS: What he said at the press conference was that the United States needs to take part of the blame, and that's because he's on British soil. He was with the G-20. HANNITY: Oh, so when he's on American soil... MURPHY: ... on the G-20 believe it's the United States. And it's partially the United States' fault. PETERSON: When President Bush went to a foreign country, he didn't weaken himself. He didn't give in to them. He stood up. (CROSSTALK)HANNITY: Has America not advanced the human condition more than any other country on the face of the earth? Has America done that? KAYLEIGH: America... HANNITY: No, no. You've got to -- I answered your question. Now you answer my question. KAYLEIGH: Listen, America's a great country. HANNITY: I didn't ask you if America's... KAYLEIGH: We all know that, right? He's abroad, and he has to appeal to the different leaders of other nations... HANNITY: Why? PETERSON: Because he's a soft liberal. That's why. He's not... (CROSSTALK)HANNITY: You didn't answer my question. Did America's capitalism advance the human condition more than -- and create a standard of living and wealth that even the poorest in America have a pretty high standard of living by world standards? KAYLEIGH: All I know right now is we're in a crap fest and we're in a big mess. HANNITY: You don't want to answer my question. You don't want to answer my question. Has America created, for example, the pharmaceutical drugs that prolong life, extend life, and give us a better quality of life? Did capitalism cause that? You won't answer that, so you can't deny it... PETERSON: It's difficult for liberals to tell the truth because the truth set you free. And so -- so she can't answer that, because it requires her looking at that reality and what is happening. MURPHY: The United States is the largest economy in the world. It needs to be the driver of the solution, and I think that's what... HANNITY: The reason I was trying to get -- although she ducked my question. But what I'm trying to get to is this. Is that capitalism got us there. And we made it without nationalized health care, and we made it without putting our kids in debt $10 trillion. We're going to triple our debt under the Obama spending plan. And I'm saying that's... (CROSSTALK)MURPHY: But when the government picked winners and losers in the fall, this has all become totally corrupted, I want to say, because there is no more free market anyway. So the government is still picking winners and losers, and I think that is a fundamental problem. HANNITY: And Jesse picked up on this. Government caused all of this when they decided every American should own a home, whether they can afford it or not. MURPHY: They also said... (CROSSTALK)PETERSON: If you want to know -- if you want to know what socialism looks like, look at the black community. It is -- I mean, from generation to generation for the last 50 years has been taken over by the government. And now unemployment is out of control, families broken, anger, I mean -- and dependency on government. You have -- you have 90 percent... HANNITY: You're missing -- I've got to -- he's done this in three months, but...PETERSON: He's spent more money in three months than any other president has ever spent.MURPHY: I'm OK with that. HANNITY: You're OK with it? MURPHY: And nobody else is spending money. HANNITY: In three months he has spent more money and tripled the debt that any -- he's spent more money and more -- given us more debt than George Washington to George W. Bush in three months. And you want to say, "Well, oh, we've got to experiment with going bankrupt"? KAYLEIGH: What would you have him do? HANNITY: I'll have my answer. PETERSON: That's a good question. HANNITY: Free-market capitalism, less government bureaucracy. Regulation. PETERSON: It's too late. HANNITY: It's not too late. We can stop the budget. Four trillion dollar budget. MURPHY: Democrats are some of his harshest critics right now on the budget. They say that it's... HANNITY: I think it's a ruse. I don't believe that for a -- I think they're all going to line up and sign on to it regardless, because they -- they have absolutely no courage to stand up to him. PETERSON: Obama is a very insecure... (CROSSTALK)KAYLEIGH: It will be your children and my generation... HANNITY: Then why would you support it? KAYLEIGH: You're a bit disconnected from the youth of America right now. HANNITY: Why would you support putting trillions and trillions of dollars on their backs? KAYLEIGH: It's not an ideal situation no matter what you do. It's a mess. It's a mess. HANNITY: He's adding $10 trillion. Do you realize when he's done with his budget, that we're going to pay $806 billion a year in interest? KAYLEIGH: No, I don't, because I'm not an economist. HANNITY: I'm helping you out here. MURPHY: The private sector... PETERSON: A lot of people don't understand the nature of Obama. Obama's a very insecure man, and he wants power -- he wants power by way of government. HANNITY: No, no, no, he's secure with a teleprompter. PETERSON: That's why he gives those long boring answers. HANNITY: I'll do it just like him.More with our "Great American Panel" coming up, and "Hate Hannity Hotline," straight ahead. HANNITY: And we continue now with our "Great American Panel." All right. Tax cheat Tim Geithner, he's on with Katie Couric. Let's roll the tape. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)KATIE COURIC, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: Will you exert even more influence in the future if these CEOs are not managing their businesses properly?TIM GEITHNER, TREASURY SECRETARY: Recovery here depends on the financial system doing a better job of providing credit. We want banks to go back into business and making sure they provide the credit that, you know, families and businesses need to invest in the future.And we have to provide assistance to make that possible. Again, we're going to make sure we do that on conditions to protect the taxpayer, provide the kind of accountability that the American people want.And again, the test will be what's going to make these institutions stronger.COURIC: So you leave the option open to actually pressure a bank CEO to resign?GEITHNER: Of course. Of course.(END VIDEO CLIP) HANNITY: You're the only socialist on the panel. You are... KAYLEIGH: Look, I want to make something clear, OK? HANNITY: All right. KAYLEIGH: I wouldn't be here if I didn't agree with some of the things that you say. HANNITY: Like for example? KAYLEIGH: I think if you're too far left or too far right, you're just as bad as... HANNITY: I think that's a bumper sticker. It think that's a platitude. KAYLEIGH: But some are saying you are not serious. I know you. HANNITY: Daniel Hannan was just on saying, don't do what we did in Great Britain. Don't socialize medicine. Don't nationalize, you know, private companies. Let capitalism ring. And you're saying you do not care if we give our kids $10 trillion debt. KAYLEIGH: When did I say that? HANNITY: You said, how dare I attack Obama? KAYLEIGH: No. And first of all, he's our president now, and he's going to be our president. So...HANNITY: So what? He's wrong. KAYLEIGH: Yes, he can be wrong. But this attitude that you have... HANNITY: Yes. KAYLEIGH: ... is only going to divide us. We have to come together and find solutions. HANNITY: OK, so I must -- I can't be critical or else I will divide the country. PETERSON: I wonder -- I wonder if you felt that way during President Bush's term. I mean, they went after President Bush from day one. KAYLEIGH: And when they went after him, what were they called? PETERSON: They called him all sorts of names. HANNITY: Liar. KAYLEIGH: OK. PETERSON: Did you say, "We should unite together"? KAYLEIGH: Time out. Time out. PETERSON: Did you say it then? KAYLEIGH: I want to say one thing. When people attack Bush, there were called unpatriotic. HANNITY: Not true. That's not true. KAYLEIGH: Yes, it is. I heard that... HANNITY: They said the surge lost, the war was lost. The surge failed. Why do you -- you think the -- this is where America is right now. Americans don't want socialism. They're angry, and they're going to be showing up at tea parties. And they think that we are headed down the wrong road. Why shouldn't we speak out? MURPHY: I think you're absolutely right to speak out. I think that screaming at each other isn't particularly helpful. And no... HANNITY: This is a discussion. All right. PETERSON: I think that Obama is the worst thing that could happen to America. And we're making a big mistake by allowing him to take over these businesses, General Motors and other businesses, because if we allow this to happen, this guy is serious about what he's doing. The messiah is a far left social liberal... HANNITY: Let me move on. PETERSON: And everybody's right about him, by the way. MURPHY: These companies went to him and asked him to do this for them. They sold part of their company... HANNITY: No, no. But they understand they wanted them to seize companies, determine pay and rescind retroactively the money that got to begin with. MURPHY: We don't know that. We've even seen the contracts. HANNITY: Let me give you a last topic here. University of Maryland student union was going to run a porn film for students. I've got a problem with this. Why are you laughing? KAYLEIGH: It is very funny. HANNITY: What's do funny about it? Do you want your kid -- to send your kids to college to watch pornography? KAYLEIGH: You're telling me you've never watched pornography? HANNITY: I don't watch pornography. KAYLEIGH: You've never in your life? HANNITY: When I'm flipping through the channels only. KAYLEIGH: When you were in college -- when you were in college, did you never watch pornography? Honestly? I do not believe you. PETERSON: Liberals -- liberals love to corrupt the hearts and minds of the children. When they grow of age to vote, they vote for the Democrats. So that's what this is all about. MURPHY: I don't think this has anything to do with Democrats and Republicans. PETERSON: No... MURPHY: The ideas don't seem as bad until they hit FOX News. And then it seems like a really horrible idea. And they've decided to cancel the screening. HANNITY: Why... KAYLEIGH: It is a free country. HANNITY: It's a free country. KAYLEIGH: They're adults. The taxpayers are not paying. They did it after school. HANNITY: After-school activities. It is after school. KAYLEIGH: They can download. MURPHY: Big deal. Come on. PETERSON: They are trying to corrupt young children. They're behind this, because... KAYLEIGH: Are you a virgin, Jesse? PETERSON: What does that have to do with... KAYLEIGH: Are you a virgin? PETERSON: What does that have to do with... HANNITY: You want to answer that? PETERSON: Yes, are you a virgin? KAYLEIGH: No. Of course I am not. PETERSON: Now we know. HANNITY: All right. I'm getting out of this before somebody asks me. But I do have two children.All right, now... KAYLEIGH: You can be a born-again, though. HANNITY: Right, all right. That's -- I don't believe that.)And don't forget: we want you to send us your tax day party videos via our Web site: KAYLEIGH: What's wrong? HANNITY: We also want to issue a correction. Now, last night incorrect winner of the Obama puzzle. And, well, after going back to our blog and checking the post, we got this.We want to announce that the actual winning guess of Hillary and Bill and Chelsea and the slogan, "More of the Same," it came from a viewer named Jeff. And Jeff, let not your heart by troubled. We'll send you the books personally signed by me.And thanks to all of our viewers for going to our blog and bringing this to our attention. We admit a mistake. We are sorry. And thank you again for your posts, and please keep them coming. HANNITY: And by the way, your fears, even your grand ideas and criticisms of her. And before we go, by the way, a reminder about our special shows coming up on April 9. We have our "Six Ideas to Save America." People say, "Well, where are the positive solutions?"That also includes an interview with Jeb Bush, his first since leaving office. Then on April 15, we we'll be broadcasting from a tea party in Atlanta. I will be there in Atlanta, where one of the dozens of tea parties around the country will be going on. And we hope you'll be watching.By the way, John Rich -- I'm thinking rich -- is going to be performing. So you want to come to Atlanta, if you can.That is all the time we have left this evening. Thank you for being with us. But let not your heart be troubled. The news continues. Greta Van Susteren is standing by to go "On the Record." And we'll see you tomorrow night. Thanks for being with us. Technorati Profile |
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